Wednesday, 29 August 2012



This topic has been written about over and over again and nobody understands this species of human beings, today I go down in history as a person who has written about women.
Women do not understand themselves free advise to all men out there . . . do not try to understand them. Women are even bad to their kind and loathe each other even for no reason at all. . .
They are super sarcastic especially when exchanging greetings. . . In our country the greetings may be seen in the following sample conversation. . . Stacy and Tracy not their real names
                                Tracy: Niaje supuu. . .(Hi hottie)
                                Stacy:Poa sana Mrembo. . .(I am fine beautiful)
NB one if not both of this women is neither beautiful nor hot; I will not say ugly as it would be insensitive . . . every time I hear such a conversation, I automatically assume that it is a little game that women play with each other’s heads which they are all aware of or they just want to boost each other’s self esteem.
Women always complain about how painful child birth is, however men on the other hand also complain about how getting hit in the balls is . . . to bring this debate to an end the bloggers research from UNRELIABLE sources has formulated a solid answer; A woman after child birth will always go back to the husband and tell him “Let’s have another” However a man would not agree to have his balls hit again . . . there you have your answer.
The thing with women they will always go into a shop selling clothes that is when I see a clothes shop/hawker on the street and I am accompanied by a woman I just curse silently in my head knowing that she will spend 30 minutes looking at the clothes and buy none of them.
Women are poor time keepers and set their clocks and watches 10-15 minutes forward and still get late. . . if you do not do this and you are a woman no wonder you are never on time.. 
One thing we men have to learn is that we can never win an argument with a woman and even where we win it is only because they let us win. . .  I once had someone say “I married miss right . . .I just didn’t know her first name was always” some of you will get that in 2014

“Marriage is like a pack of cards, on the wedding day it is all about hearts and Diamonds but one year down the line you realize you need a club and a spade”
I don’t remember his name

Thanks for reading as always share with your pals ©2012


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